• Kvalitniocelprodukty1
    High-quality steel products
  • specialni_oceli
    Special stainless steel
  • Výroba pružin
    Production of springs
  • loziskovaocel
    Bearing steel
  • Ocel k obrábění
    Steel for machining
  • Pružinové oceli
    Spring steel

Installation of a LED50 camera system for 100% control of the diameter and length of Micro springs

Installation of a LED50 camera system for 100% control of the diameter and length of Micro springs

Quality is our priority, we decided to invest in a new LED50 camera device for checking small and micro springs. Miniaturization and an emphasis on reducing the weight of products leads to a continuous growth of production in this segment of springs.

Installation of the LED50 camera system

Premises and warehouse:


  • MONTAN OCEL, spol. s r.o..
  • Jeremiášova 947,
  • 155 00 Praha - Stodůlky
  • Company ID: 60464810
  • VAT No.: CZ60464810

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